DRUMadjuster is a patented add-on tuning device, designed to alter the pitch, resonance and amplitude of any drum, creating unique and exciting new sounds. It allows a single drum to replicate multiple drum sets.

DRUMadjuster Manual Prototype

Baffle Placement and Configuration: The drum kit would include multiple baffles that can be inserted or removed from specific positions within the drum. Drummers can experiment with different baffle configurations, such as placing baffles near the drumhead or at the bottom, to achieve desired sound effects.

One device fits all drums

Manual or automatic adjustment

Customers can create their own unique sounds suitable for different styles of music

Upgrade an existing drum set or specify as a feature on a new sale

DRUMadjuster Automated Prototype

Automated Baffle Adjustment: Based on the user-defined airspace parameters, the drum machine's motorized baffle mechanism would adjust the position and configuration of the baffles accordingly. This adjustment would control the amount of airflow and resonance within the drum, thus altering the sound produced.

Traveling Disk Prototype

Flexibility and Customization: Designed to accommodate different drum sizes and configurations. Drummers would have the flexibility to remove or reposition baffles, adjust the drum bottom height, and experiment with various combinations or use all options together or individually to achieve your desired sound preferences.

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